We Revive People's Smiles

Our Commitment to Ending Mental Illness

At The Sensible Brain, we are committed to ending mental illness and helping individuals achieve optimal brain health. Our founder, Susan Whitehead, is a Dr. Amen Licensed Brain Health Trainer and Coach.

She is known for being head strong and getting things done. Susan takes a no non-sense approach to solving problems.

After working in the back office for most of her working career, at a utility company and then at financial institutions, she had a gnawing feeling that she was meant to be and do more with her life.

In 2017, Susan's world was turned upside down. Her mother had major surgery at the age of 98 and developed sundowners afterwards. Susan had to face the sad reality of her mother not being able to return home. For the first time in her life, she came home from work to an empty house. Susan struggled with the new reality that was facing her. It would have been so easy to succumb to depression, but she was determined to beat it, so she became her own cheerleader to keep her spirits up. Susan struggled at times, but she came through it with sheer determination and God’s help.

A couple years later, Susan woke up one morning totally burned out from her job. She turned in her resignation and felt the weight of the world lift off her shoulders. As she was contemplating what she wanted to do next, she came across Dr. Amen and Dr. Joseph McClendon III asking for people to join them in the Brain Revolution for ending mental illness. Susan hopped on board, excited to be a part of a team that would really make a difference in the world. She felt this was her calling.

Joining Dr Amen’s team was a bittersweet moment, one that is still difficult for Susan to talk about. She realized that she was too late to help her mother, who had Alzheimer’s/dementia, but she could help others and she could save her family from going through the heartache she did with her mother. Alzheimer’s/dementia is in Susan's gene pool on both sides of her family, and she is determined to not be a victim of it. This is Susan's why for joining the Brain Revolution with Dr. Amen and Dr. Joseph McClendon III.

The Brain Revolution is for prevention, healing and transformation. It’s not only about Alzheimer’s/dementia but a wide spectrum of mental issues that affect people’s lives. Susan invites you to join us in this journey to change your life. You can and you will. We revive people’s smiles.

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Contact us today to take the first step towards achieving optimal brain health! Fill out our short and simple contact form and one of our licensed and trained Brain Health Trainers and Coaches will be in touch with you shortly. Let's work together.

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