
Susan Whitehead

I'm Susan Whitehead, the owner of The Sensible Brain. I heard the call to join forces with Dr. Amen and Dr. Joseph McClendon III to end mental illness and that is how The Sensible Brain was formed. Since Covid-19 there are more suicides from depression, more stress, anxiety, loneliness from social isolation, and an increase in drug and alcohol abuse.

My other reason for starting The Sensible Brain was my mother. You see she developed Alzheimer's disease and then at the age of 98 she had to have surgery. She was in surgery for six hours and she wasn't the same after that. I walked in her hospital room one day to visit her and was greeted with venom and hatred. The nurse explained to me she had sundowners which is dementia, it occurs about 4pm.

By the year 2050 Alzheimer's is expected to increase by 50%. Alzheimer's and dementia are in both sides of my family. I am determined not to go down that road. I am very sad that it was too late to help my mother, but it is not to late to help you.

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